Mar 17, 2017

What's New

Home About Me What's New DNA Overview Leigh Ancestry Nash Ancestry
Prichard Ancestry Oakley Ancestry David Ancestry Biographies Flag/Map of Wales Welsh Names
Research Files Links

Been here before? Great! This page will brief you on additions or corrections to the blog since you were last here. The most recent changes are at the top of the list.
  • Updated a few records per information from Rev. Edmund Leigh's Bible.
  • Added Family Group Records for members of the David ancestry.
  • Added pages for the David ancestry of Samuel Leigh's first wife
  • Created a Research Files folder and added files received from Lynne Nielsen and Tova Leigh Choate
  • Completed conversion of the embedded links in this blog
  • Began conversion of the embedded links in this blog
  • Completed conversion of the web pages at 
  • Began conversion of this web site to a blog at
  • Removed the  name-ID and am relying on the context of the text to avoid confusing names. Example: RICHARD LEIGH (II) becomes RICHARD LEIGH.

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